Saturday, February 27, 2010


What is wrong with me? I can not control myself lately. All I want to do is sit and watch T.V. and EAT giant plates of unhealthy food. Granted, I've been sick today, so it must be a comfort thing, but all this week I've been much hungrier than normal. My gremlin or whatever that is Dr. Oz was talking about is telling me I'm still hungry. I have eaten off the diet a couple times and I'm feeling bad, bad, bad, bad. I'm trying to stay positive, I'm trying to remember that every endeavor encounters setbacks. I'm trying to look back and all my good progress, I've lost 22 pounds for heaven's sake! But, it's hard to keep things in perspective when it's just hard. I'm almost halfway to my goal and that feels good. Maybe I need a reward goal to look forward to, like a new Easter dress. That's a good idea...I'm going to go look at dresses, there was one at Land's End that I really really liked. Maybe I could think about considering fitting into a size 8 by Easter? Could that be doable? We'll see...something like this:

Oh, and the treadmill desk, YES, PLEASE!

1 comment:

  1. You made the size 8 by Easter!! Woohoo!! Did you get your dress? :)


