Saturday, February 20, 2010

Good and bad

Yesterday I was so out of it. Some thing was really off with my food, not enough fat or something. I was craving junk food soo bad! So we splurged and got pizza. I ate three slices(!) and salad dripping in ranch dressing. It was so good. However, I held up my end of the bargain and went to the gym this morning and did four miles on the treadmill. I'm feeling really good, still really committed and actually glad I had a little fun last night. Tonight I'm making zucchini lasagna for dinner. I weighed myself this morning and it wasn't too bad but I still feel pretty bloated from all the sodium. I learned this week at potassium helps your body get rid of the excess water retention from salt-so maybe I'll get some bananas when I go to the store.

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