Thursday, April 22, 2010

Remember Hilda?

Remember on Annadotes, after Lucy was born and I realized I had someone else's bum? Well the same thing is happening again, only in an awesome way. I went to J.Crew yesterday and tried on a pair of jeans...I could not believe they fit me. Here's the proof.

After my birthday indulgence yesterday, the scale is a little whack-a-doo this morning but I'm off to a good start today. And now, I have these pictures to help me stay motivated. I'm sorry if you're sick of looking at my backside, but I can't promise this won't be the last time.


  1. you have a lovely bum! Love those jeans! You look great.
    I'm jealous.

  2. Glad you're already married to MY son! Hey you might be interested who in this house fit into her wedding dress!!!! a month late but hey It's been a really L O N G time!


