Saturday, June 5, 2010

It's been a while

Things are still going really well.  I'm losing weight these days at a snails pace but I must admit I haven't been trying real hard.  I lost 40 pounds!!!!  I've kept it off for 10 days!  I'd like to lose just another 3-4 pounds so that I can maintain at 125 instead of 127.  I know there isn't much of a difference, but for me, mentally-there is.  I work out about every other day and eat really healthily for breakfast and lunch.  Dinners are usually normal and then no snacks after unless something special is going on.  So-things are good...I'm really happy.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Anna! And it sounds like maintenance mode isn't too terrible, so it is doable. As we were driving home from the party this afternoon, Matt said, "Anna is getting really skinny!" And you are. I'm glad you feel so great about it, because you deserve to.


